Annual Review 2022–23
Index of statistics
- Revenue overview
- Delivering for Victorians overview
- Working for our customers overview
- Total revenue collected
- Performance against forecast
- Revenue by percentage
- Net land tax revenue
- Net payroll tax revenue
- Revenue from and number of absentee owners
- Revenue from foreign purchaser additional duty and number of property transactions by foreign purchasers
- Revenue from and number of customers assessed for vacant residential land tax
- Total employees – full-time equivalent and headcount
- Turnover rate
- Our diverse workforce
- Learning and development
- Health and safety
- Revenue assessed via landholder acquisitions
- Revenue assessed via investigations
- Website page views and visitor sessions
- Users by device
- Email subscribers
- Uptake of online payment
- First home buyer duty exemptions and concessions
- First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) applications
- Top FHOG postcodes
- Pensioner exemptions and concessions
- Principal place of residence concessions
- Australian HomeBuilder Grant
- Victorian Homebuyer Fund
- Claims paid
- Amount returned to rightful owners
- Payroll tax relief refund applications
- Private rulings and exemption decisions
- Phone calls
- Emails
- Customer surveys and satisfaction level
- Customer education events and attendees
- Operating statement and notes
- Balance sheet and notes
- Administered items (revenues and expenses) and notes
- Tax base
- Written-off debt
- Monthly average debt-to-revenue ratio
- Number and type of objections
- Number of appeals and percentage upholding Commissioner’s original decision
- FOI requests received and determined
- FOI 5-year overview
- Statements of compatibility, litigation and complaints with respect to charter rights