We provide education services to our customers to help them understand their legislative obligations and entitlements, primarily through 2 forums. We host both webinar presentations and face-to-face events. This year we hosted 10 customer education events, to a total of 815 attendees.
We also manage a series of decision tools on our website, which aim to ensure customers understand what their obligations are. Topics covered by the decision tools include buying and owning property, land tax, payroll tax, the commercial passenger vehicle service levy and the growth areas infrastructure contribution.
In 2022–23, we continued to respond to industry-driven needs by educating customers about sub-sales of land, payroll tax for medical centres and windfall gains tax (which applies from 1 July 2023). We also released 3 new landholder duty decision tools and created resources for new land tax customers.
In 2023–24, we will increase the number of education services we provide to our customers, their representatives and peak bodies. We will examine our own compliance-related data, liaise with customer and industry groups to better identify education gaps, then prepare, promote and deliver high-quality, structured and timely education services that help our customers and their representatives better understand their obligations.